Plastic bags are considered an effective tool to brand company and publish their information. The best choice for marketing by plastic bags is rigid handle bag-the luxury type among various kinds of plastic bags.
The dramatic development of the global economy has been gone along with the increasing demand of consumption. These days, to compete with each other and survive in the global market, companies implement series of different strategies to attract more and more customers.
Rigid handle bags can be made from HDPE (high-density polyethylene), MDPE (medium density polyethylene), and LDPE (low-density polyethylene). The prominent of items made from polyethylene is durability, water-resistance which lengthens the life service of bags. Especially, printing on the HDPE, MDPE makes the logo on surface beautiful, more professional and eye-catching.
Rigid handle bag is preferred to be reused by customers. These bags offer the strongest and most reliable handle available and usually better thickness compared with other types. It improves the capacity to load heavy weight and looks more luxury. There are 2 main kinds available in rigid handle bags: the most common one with black, white, blue color rigid handle and clip loop handle bag. The latter is usually designed with the “bridge” between two parts of the handles to make it stronger. This type is more expensive and preferred for packaging luxury products (clothes, perfume, cell phone…)
Because rigid handle bags are specially used for luxury shopping products, companies usually customize the design with different requirements for manufacturing firms. The innovation and improvement in machine system now help industrial manufacturers meet almost requirements: up to 7 colors on one surface, total 14 colors for both sides, ink coverage 100%, top-fold, bottom-fold with cardboard.
Those characteristics create the excellent advantages for companies who want to attract potential customers and keep your brand names at a high position in markets and people life. At the same time, more beautiful packaging improves the quality of products and getting out the logo, company name, website, products, location… contribute substantially to advertising brand name of a company.