Custom tote bags are one of the most popular items used for the promotion of a business. Bags are a very practical item; anyone who gets a bag is bound to use it.
This is the reason behind most business owners opting for the use of custom tote bags for advertising their brand.
Custom tote bags can be used for a large number of purposes. But they have other benefitting aspects, too. They are highly visible to people as compared to other items, such as pens and mugs. When you give away a custom bag bearing your brand name to a customer, a large number of people will come across it and read your message. You have a large space to advertise on. And your advertisement keeps moving!
Cost-effectiveness is another very important feature of custom bags which has contributed to their wide spread use as promotional items. They are especially cheap when designed and ordered in large quantities for wholesale prices. This essentially implies a high return for a small cost.
The major designs used for custom tote bags are as follows.
- Traditional. The most widely used kind of tote bags. Traditional bags have a square shape and two carrying handles. Cotton, polyester, and nylon are the materials which are commonly used for making these bags. They may be woven or nonwoven. They are a good option for carrying grocery, books or other small to medium sized objects.
- Boat style. Basically similar to traditional bags. They have bottom and side gussets, which can be used for expanding the bag. They can be used for carrying larger and heavier items.
- Duffel style. These bags have a barrel-like shape and two carrying handles. To ease carrying, most duffel bogs also have a shoulder strap. Thus the weight is distributed equally. They can be excellent items for distribution among athletes as they can be used for holding sports equipment as well as gym attire and shoes. They often have smaller pockets for holding small items like cell phones, cards, and keys.
- Backpacks and lunch totes. Often used by students and travelers, promotional backpacks are very useful items.
- Computer totes. These bags are chiefly designed for carrying laptop computers. They are well-liked by students and executives alike. They are a good option for distributing and are unique and memorable.
- Beach totes. These bags are water resistant and can be cleaned easily by brushing off. They can be used for carrying swim suits, beach toys and swim suits to a beach resort.
Custom tote bags are surprisingly versatile, so finding the bag that you need should not be a big deal. You should decide the bag that best suits the needs of your target audience. It will be very profitable for your business in the long run.