A lot happens between placing an order and a package’s arrival on your doorstep. Whether your package comes by air or land, a lot goes into ensuring your holiday package arrives safely. After all, there’s nothing more disappointing than a holiday package arriving damaged.
These tips apply to both commercial and personal packages. So whether you are a retailer or someone sending a family member a gift, you’ll want to use the right materials. A Plastic Bag can supply you with all custom packaging and shipping supplies you need for your holiday packages.
How a Holiday Package Arrives Safely
During the holidays, shipping companies are utterly swamped with packages. While they are reliable, there is always a chance for something to go wrong. That’s why it is up to you to ensure your packages are as protected as possible.
Below you can find what it takes to ensure a holiday package arrives safely this season.
Package Safety Tip #1: Reliable Packaging
Once your package leaves the warehouse, that’s the end of your control on its safe arrival. The best you can do is to ship it in a container that can handle the journey.
Using high-quality poly mailers can ensure your package’s contents stay inside. They are resistant to tearing and other damage while also being a weight-efficient means of shipping items.
Low-quality mailers or bags can result in a package’s contents being either damaged or lost. Neither outcome will bring your customers holiday cheer.
Example of our custom poly mailer bags:
Package Safety Tip #2: Avoid Flash
It can be tempting to send your packages in lovely boxes with hand-written notes, but sometimes this might not be the best idea. While customers do love personal touches, it is important to watch out for porch pirates.
These are people who steal packages right off of people’s porches! Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do to prevent it. However, using poly mailers or poly bags can prevent porch pirates from seeing what is in the package. This can make it a little less tempting for them to risk stealing it off your customer’s porch.
However, you can include your branding on the interior of the package. Using custom shopping bags, you can give your customer the feel of a personal experience. Especially as much more shopping is done from home now, it is up to you to provide your customers with a shopping experience that keeps them coming back.
Packaging Safety Tip #3: Offer Flexible Delivery
Due to the porch pirates we mentioned above, many packages arrive but are then stolen. When shipping your holiday packages, consider the recipient’s schedule and lifestyle. So long as a package arrives before the holidays, many customers are fine with weekend delivery, even if it means a bit more of a wait. That way, they can bring the package inside right away once it arrives.
Your Source for Shipping Bags and Poly Mailers
A Plastic Bag provides customers with everything they need to ensure a holiday package arrives safely. From high-quality shipping supplies to poly mailer bags and more, we want to help your holiday packages arrive on time and in one piece.